About Me

My photo
Isle of Bute, West Coast of Scotland, United Kingdom
Too old to be a rock chick, so I am the hippy hen! Environmentally and socially conscious, eco aware vegetarian goddess. Human and animal rights activist Against discrimination in all its forms. LGBT Ally. Lover of music, chocolate and crochet.. Womb cancer survivor.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Hello again!

Hello, as some of you will remember from the last blog post back in December, I said I was changing the way that I fundraise as FB has been messing about with the way it shares posts recently and as a result my post reach had dropped dramatically which meant that I wasn't selling anything and therefore not being able to raise any money.

I now have an Etsy store which has some nice bits of jewellery and some of my artwork in and the proceeds are being split 50/50 between AMMF, which is the UK's only cholangiocarcinoma or bile duct cancer charity. This is the cancer that Mom died of in Dec 2013. The other 50% is going to the womb cancer research project that I have been helping to raise funds for over the past 3 years.

Had 2 sales from the Etsy store so far and the money will be split at the end of the year between the 2 good causes.

In March I also help my 2nd annual auction for AMMF in memory of Mom. It was done over the weekend of what would have been her Birthday and it raised £119 which brings the total raised for AMMF to £471.50.

The next auction will be the one in September for the womb cancer research project. Why September I hear you ask? Well, September is womb cancer awareness month and so its an appropriate time to raise some money and also hopefully lots of awareness for this cancer.

If you would like to donate to either of these good causes then you can. The links are here:

The womb cancer research is here https://www.justgiving.com/Kaz-Molloy1/
AMMF is here https://www.justgiving.com/Kaz-Molloy2/

I'll be back soon with another update. xx