Well it's nearly the end of May and yet another Bank Holiday is looming although I'm not actually sure if it is a bank Holiday here in Scotland or not. I've lived up here nearly 17 years and still can't remember exacty when they have them here as they do things differently up here apparently!!!
Anyway, the weather is turning milder and we have actually had a few nice sunny days here on the west coast.
So I assumed that there wouldn't be much of a call out for the crocheted wrist warmers and scarves that I have been making and donating to homeless outreach centres around the UK since the end of October 2018.
Turns out I was wrong. I put a tweet out a week or so ago asking some of the organisations I have sent parcels to in the past if they still needed any during the summer. YES PLEASE, came the reply.
They all said that even though the weather is warmer during the day it can still drop at night, even in the height of summer so they would welcome continued donations.
So, I'm still crocheting like mad and using up my ever growing stash of yarn. I have been very lucky to have had some great donations of yarn from people across the country and have also swapped some of my unwanted craft supplies for yarn so have plently to keep me going.
I have been making a lot of fab and funky scarves lately as well as the wrist warmers and will be sending out a couple of parcels in the next few weeks.
So I shall be continuing to crochet as long as there is a need for these items.
Come and check out my FB page and you can follow my progress - I post updates everytime I've finished a scarf and do an update a Sunday of the makes from the previous week.
I had also joined Instagram via my FB page as I don't have a mobile with a camera and this was a viable option for me to be able to share what I am doing but FB seemingly decided to remove that option so I can no longer share my posts onto my Instagram feed which is a shame. I have contacted FB several times requesting that they put the option back but so far - nothing!!
Until next time.