Oh dear, I'm still trying to clear out some of my craft goodies but the more that I look, the more stuff I seem to find!! Where has it all come from?
I must admit to having a liking for wanting to try allsorts of things but its not really practical when we live in a 2 room flat!
So yesterday in another of my rummages I found some plaster moulds that I bought about 4 years ago - think I used them once!!! They made too much mess (or rather I did!) and because they took ages to dry out properly they were all over the kitchen worktops for about a week!
They have now been listed over in my destash store on Folksy!
Then I found a stash of lovely glass pendants that I bought ages ago and again never got round to doing anything with so they have also been listed!
There are 4 lots of these listed!
Also have loads of card blanks
and handmade paper envelopes!
There are also lots of charms and beads and jewellery findings for sale so why not come along and grab a bargain!
One thing I do have that I havn't got around to listing is lots of assorted tumblestones! If anyone is interested them give me a message on Folksy!

All proceeds from these sales will be going into my Macmillan fundraising kitty! I have already handed over a cheque for £100 and am now on the second £100.
Right, guess I better get back to sorting out again!!
Have a great Sunday!
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