About Me

My photo
Isle of Bute, West Coast of Scotland, United Kingdom
Too old to be a rock chick, so I am the hippy hen! Environmentally and socially conscious, eco aware vegetarian goddess. Human and animal rights activist Against discrimination in all its forms. LGBT Ally. Lover of music, chocolate and crochet.. Womb cancer survivor.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Auction full of goodies!!!

My activities as "buteartism" have taken a bit of a back seat lately, not just because of the goings on over at Folksy either!
I'm not going to bore you with all the details as no doubt you already know, and besides, because I've been busy doing other things, I don't really know the full story myself.
However, I know enough to have decided to close down my shop on Folksy and just continue to sell via the Facebook page.
The fact that Folksy intended to charge us more because of VAT was one of the factors behind me leaving as more money for them meant less money for Macmillan Cancer Support - which is where the money I make from selling my items goes.

Anyhow, on top of raising money for Macmillan, I am also fundraising for womb cancer research via Womb Cancer Support UK http://www.wix.com/wombcancersupportuk/home the online support group that I set up earlier this year.
We have our own blog; twitter and Facebook so we are reaching out to the many women with womb cancer who want and need support.

As part of raising awareness of womb cancer we designated September "Womb Cancer Awareness " month and held various events to do just that, raise awareness.
Members of the support group distributed awareness leaflets; held coffee mornings; - real and virtual ones!!! - and I have also been selling some of my jewellery to raise funds for womb cancer research.

Our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/#!/WCSUKFundraising has details of some of the wonderful items that have been donated to the auction which runs until 6pm Friday 30th Sept. We have about £250 of bids so far, so thats a great way to finish our 1st Womb Cancer Awareness month.

We are also runing a petition calling for a dedicated womb cancer charity - as there isn't one at present. Please will you add your signature? http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/wombcancercharity
With over 7,500 women each year being diagnosed, you never know when you or a friend or relative might need some help and support so please share the link with as many people as possible!

Kaz xx

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