It is 2 weeks until our local Arts Club summer exhibition and sale and I'm starting to sort out what items I will be taking.
It's difficult to decide exactly what to take as the hall we use is quite small and therefore I am limited on the amount I can take plus we have to use the bus to get there so have to carry everything.
Also having to be there before 8.30am to set up makes it very difficult especially when you have health problems.
So it is time to make the decision on what and what not to take.
I've been doing some crochet this year so will have some crochet bags on display. It's been nice getting back to doing some crochet as I haven't done it for a while.

I will also have some more of my fabric bunting on show. These are great for summer parties or BBQ's - hopefully the great weather will last for a few more weeks, if not months!!!!
I've also been making some bookmarks. Various styles just to suit all tastes. They even gave me another excuse to use up some of my bead stash.
Still got a few more things to sort out and I've also got to tag everything so that's going to take some time.
So if you are on Bute then please come along to the exhibition and have a look at the art and craft work on display. I even did the poster!!
Finally another ball of crochet yarn arrived so I can continue with the next bag.
I had bid on several balls of bamboo yarn on Ebay and made a start on a new bag when the first ball arrived. It was a deep yellow and I have to say I am in love with this bamboo yarn.
It is so very soft and great to work with.
Then I ran out of yarn and had to wait for another ball to arrive. I had bid on several different colours so it was a wait and see which one arrived first kind of thing!!
Anyway, the day before yesterday the next ball arrive and this one was a pale yellow so I've managed to do some more to the bag.
Be interesting to see what the next colour will be!!
A big parcel arrived yesterday. When I say big, it was huge!
5 kilo to be exact.
I had seen a post in one of the Facebook textile and fabric groups I am in about a place where you could fabric remnants from and I though, why not?
Now this is where things got a bit out of hand.
The link to the website was there and it said you got a bag of assorted fabric remnants for £8. Well actually the postage was £8 - the fabric was free!!!
Who in their right mind is going to pass up a bargain like that?
I have to admit here that I am not a sewer by any stretch of the imagination - I don't even own a sewing machine!!
But it was too good an offer to pass up, right?
So, when I started to unpack the parcel I didn't know what to expect. All the fabric was white or off white but there was fleece, toweling, chenille, upholstery fabric, lining fabric etc - so many different fabrics.
Some were in quite large pieces, others were very small but it was a fantastic assortment and I was in my element.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with it all but I am sure I will think of something over the coming months.
If you would like a bag then check out the link here
If you do get a bag then I'd love to see what you make with the contents.
Well, if you read the last blog post you will remember me mentioning the cones of yarn I got from a local charity shop. I used some of it to make a couple of crochet bags and thought I would be able to use most of it up but it seems to be going further than I expected!!
So 2 bags done and I am now doing another one - this one is slightly smaller ( I will get the hang of sizing things one day!!)
As if that wasn't enough to be going on with I have also started yet another bag using some lovely bamboo yarn that I got off Ebay for a bargain 38p for a 50g ball. I'm going to crochet as much as I can with this colour and then switch to the next colour when it arrives. Being such a bargain I couldn't resist bidding on several colours and although I didn't win all of the auctions I did manage to get several different colours so who knows how this bag is going to turn out.
Will it have tassels I hear you ask? (You did ask, right??) Probably as I have a stash of lovely sari silk ribbon to get through aswell.
So, I am busy crocheting away whilst I listen to the World Cup matches on the radio and hopefully I will get both of these finished before the final on 15th July.
Question is, will England get that far??