A big parcel arrived yesterday. When I say big, it was huge!
5 kilo to be exact.
I had seen a post in one of the Facebook textile and fabric groups I am in about a place where you could fabric remnants from and I though, why not?
Now this is where things got a bit out of hand.
The link to the website was there and it said you got a bag of assorted fabric remnants for £8. Well actually the postage was £8 - the fabric was free!!!
Who in their right mind is going to pass up a bargain like that?
I have to admit here that I am not a sewer by any stretch of the imagination - I don't even own a sewing machine!!
But it was too good an offer to pass up, right?
So, when I started to unpack the parcel I didn't know what to expect. All the fabric was white or off white but there was fleece, toweling, chenille, upholstery fabric, lining fabric etc - so many different fabrics.
Some were in quite large pieces, others were very small but it was a fantastic assortment and I was in my element.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with it all but I am sure I will think of something over the coming months.
If you would like a bag then check out the link here
If you do get a bag then I'd love to see what you make with the contents.
I did exactly the same! Sorted most of it into fabric types so far, just waiting for the creative genie to appear!